
20:30 // Tuesday, 12 June 2018
Kino Koch-Areal Zürich

Swedish with English subtitles

Swedish filmmakers Göteborgs Förenade Musikalaktivister created Folkbildningterror, a musical committed to radical-queer militancy. The film presents a challenge to ticket inspections and gay marriage, employment agencies and the captivity of animals, to the pathologizing and discrimination of trans*people and to state violence. The neo-liberal Swedish state makes Theo’s mother sick. Beaten down by the ghost of over-economization, Theo meets trans*women Kleopatra and a rabbit for violence. An ever-growing group joins the three protagonists who end up in a plenary debate about whether they should consider EU-funding for their resistance. They define themselves as queer feminist, anti-capitalist and left-wing autonomous. They make self-mocking comments about their political scene, take hormones without prescriptions, ban toxic masculinities from their anarchist spaces, believe in black magic, live out their sexual fantasies and are accountable to one another. And then: “Glitter and Guns!”. Drawing on self-taught songs and choreography and with the help of a Danish terror cell, they go into armed battle singing and dancing. Their songs are instruments of resistance – they deal out criticism and map out redeeming utopias.

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Ein düster komisches DIY-Politszenen-Musical. Mit radikalen und selbstgemachten Songs zwischen Rock’n’Roll, schwedischem Schlagerpop, Politik und Sex, sagen die Aktivist*innen aus «Folkbildningsterror» Kapitalismus, Rassismus, Sexismus, Homo- und Transfeindlichkeit den Kampf an. Dabei werden Fahrkartenkontrolleur_ innen mit Glitter in die Flucht geschlagen, eine Abschiebung wird verhindert und die Sachbearbeiterin des Arbeitsamtes in Ketten gelegt. Sie zeigen, dass Queer auch bedeutet, dass mensch gegen die staatliche Repression vorgeht.

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